Em Congonhinhas durante apresentação do Tema da campanha da fraternidade 2020 DOM E COMPROMISSO, LEMA Viu, Sentiu Compaixão e Cuidou Dele (Lc 10, 33-34) A Paroquiana ELizete Dal Santo, se Caracteriza de SANTA DULCE DOS POBRES, e num gesto de muita carinho distribui rosas a todos os presentes.
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Use this diet hack to drop 2 lb of fat in just 8 hours
Over 160,000 women and men are losing weight with a simple and SECRET "water hack" to drop 2lbs every night while they sleep.
It is scientific and works all the time.
You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:
1) Hold a drinking glass and fill it up half glass
2) Proceed to learn this proven HACK
and be 2lbs lighter the very next day!
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